




#14 なぜ文学を学ぶのか? Why Literature?

#13 ケンブリッジ・インターナショナル

#12 工学院の授業 Philosophy 3 - History

#11 なぜ哲学を学ぶのか?Why Philosophy?

#10 グローバル教育 SRNHS Meeting Day 2

#9 工学院の授業 Philosophy 2 - Fun with metaphysics!

#14 なぜ文学を学ぶのか? Why Literature?

In the opening scenes of the 2021 film, “A Boy Called Christmas”, three young children struggle to cope with family life after the loss of their mother. One Christmas evening in late December, their aunt arrives to look after them before be

#13 ケンブリッジ・インターナショナル

インターナショナルクラス・コースでは、英語力に特化し国際的に活躍できる人材の育成を目指しています。入学時の英語力の条件は、入学後のカリキュラムと関係しています。 今回はCambridge International School認定校としての特徴的なカリキュラムについてご紹介していきます。 本校は2021年の4月に、日本国内の国公私立中高として初めてCambridge International School(以下CIS)に認定されました。 インターナショナルクラス(中

#12 工学院の授業 Philosophy 3 - History

Philosophy of History: The 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy This term, students in 3-9 international class have been thinking about history. They have considered three questions in particular: What is history? What does it m

#11 なぜ哲学を学ぶのか?Why Philosophy?

A lot of the teaching done in schools is teaching towards a test. There are specific contents that students need to learn and remember. In a typical physics class, for example, students are presented with a formula for calculating velocity;

#10 グローバル教育 SRNHS Meeting Day 2

Food is always a big aspect of culture. If you go to any place in the world, people will always have a food that can represent their nation. A way of understanding the culture of a nation is knowing and tasting their food. This was the idea

#9 工学院の授業 Philosophy 2 - Fun with metaphysics!

Today’s, students in 3-D philosophy spent some time thinking about metaphysics - what matter is, how small it can get, and whether we will ever find “the smallest thing” in the universe?   The class were told that the Ancient Greek philosop