
#11 なぜ哲学を学ぶのか?Why Philosophy?

A lot of the teaching done in schools is teaching towards a test. There are specific contents that students need to learn and remember. In a typical physics class, for example, students are presented with a formula for calculating velocity; the goal of the class is for them to remember the formula and be able apply the same formula novel situations.
We tend to think of science in similar terms, as the recording and analysis of facts. But this is incorrect; or at least, a very limited understanding of what science is. For example, there is a crucial role for imaginative speculation in scientific discovery. When August Kekule discovered the chemical structure of benzene*, he did so by visualizing an image from a dream – a snake with its tail in its mouth – and synthesizing this with his prior understanding of benzene. His discovery shows that imagination and scientific understanding are inseparable.

source: https://visalakshiramani.wordpress.com/articles/miraculous-mind/dreams-and-discoveries/

Our school has a long history as a science /STEM school, with a strong engineering background. Therefore, as part of our mission, we need to nurture not only analysis, memorization, and the understanding of experimental techniques, but speculation, risk-taking, and a willingness to take imaginative leaps.
Philosophy and literature have an important role to play in our school curriculum. They help develop the curious, playful and imaginative aspect of learning at the same time as honing analysis skills. Questions about the meaning of concepts (in philosophy) or the meaning of stories (in literature) are inherently ambiguous, open to multiple interpretations, limited only by the evidence in the text or the logical connections between ideas considered.
These classes allow students to practice two skills that tend to be neglected in Japanese education - idea generation and explanation. Philosophy class gives students a space to think freely about a topic and to generate lines of thinking, following their interest in a topic and formulating problems in their own language, on their own terms, without the constraints of memorization.

In philosophy, students learn not only that they can say things without being personally judged, but that explaining their ideas is fundamental to understanding them, and further, that until they attempt to explain their thinking, they may not be able to see what is problematic about it. If the question is “What is time?” then any first answer to this question is likely to be partial, incomplete – in need of further revision and improvement. And if all ideas are open to question, then students don't need to worry about making mistakes.
Both philosophy and literature classes give students repeated practice generating ideas and trying to say what they mean. They come to see that we can't be satisfied with our first intuitive thoughts on the topic, but should explore why we think what we think, and consider whether those beliefs are based on good reasons or evidence. They promote both the analysis of given information and the synthesis of new ideas. They are, consequently, of great value to our school’s mission of promoting science.
As Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."









