#14 なぜ文学を学ぶのか? Why Literature?
In the opening scenes of the 2021 film, “A Boy Called Christmas”, three young children struggle to cope with family life after the loss of their mother. One Christmas evening in late December, their aunt arrives to look after them before bedtime. She offers to tell them a story, but the children collectively sigh and object. Undeterred, the aunt encourages them to make themselves comfortable. stressing the importance of stories.
“The world is made of stories, not atoms,” she says.
The thought is fascinating because it is counterintuitive. Though we have become used to thinking of the world as physical matter – of life itself as the relentless collision of atoms pinging around in empty space – this scientific story is distant from our experience. The children in “A Boy Called Christmas” are sustained by memories of their mother and devastated by her loss. When we open our eyes, too, we are confronted with a world full of people leading their lives in different ways, and the stories we tell about them – and how they affect us – are what endow our lives with meaning. In this sense, stories are the building blocks of reality: more fundamental to human existence than the atoms that make up our bodies.
It follows that the study of literature – of stories, poems, and plays – is indispensable to understanding the human world. Engaging with literature allows us to explore the inner workings of characters’ minds, peering into deepest their motivations, desires, and emotional states. When Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne of Scotland for himself, he is driven by the ruthless pursuit of power. He commits a series of increasingly heinous crimes, betraying his friends, his country, and ultimately himself as his mind becomes consumed by guilt and fear. Reading the play reveals to us not only the complexity of human thought and action, but the dangers of unchecked ambition, which for Macbeth leads not to the fulfillment of his desire but to his downfall and destruction.

Literature also opens a window on to different cultures, times, and places. Chinua Achebe’s novel “Things Fall Apart” immerses us in a rich and detailed picture of life in pre-colonial Nigeria, exploring how social and cultural norms, religious beliefs, family structure, and political system of the Igbo people were affected by colonialism and European intervention. Within this, we learn about the struggles of Okonkwo to carve out his own identity and avoid repeating the sins of his lazy, shameful father. If literary works are repositories of cultural beliefs, attitudes and struggles, then engaging with them allows us to develop empathy and understanding for people from different walks of life, to see the human condition from a broader perspective, and even look afresh at our own culture.
文学はまた、異なる文化、時代、場所への窓を開いてくれます。チヌア・アチェベの小説『崩れゆく絆(原題:Things Fall Apart)』は、植民地時代以前のナイジェリアでの生活を、豊かで詳細に描き、イボ人の社会・文化規範、宗教的信念、家族構成、政治体制が、植民地主義やヨーロッパの介入によってどのような影響を受けたかを知ることができます。その中で、オコンクォが自らのアイデンティティを確立し、怠惰で恥ずべき父親の犯した罪を繰り返さないようにという葛藤を知ることができます。文学作品が、文化的な信念、態度、葛藤の保管庫であるとすれば、文学作品に触れることで、私たちはさまざまな立場の人々への共感と理解を深め、より広い視点から人間の状況を見、さらには自分自身の文化を新たに見つめ直すことができるのです。
Students who study literature at our school will be well prepared for their Cambridge exams, and as a school that offers Cambridge qualifications, we encourage students to do their best for their assessments. But the real value of studying literature has little or nothing to do with point scoring or passing tests. We learn literature because we are members of the human race, and experiencing the thoughts, impressions and motivations of people from different times and places is a valuable and edifying experience.
As Mr. Keating said in the movie “Dead Poet’s Society”, “medicine, law, business, engineering; these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”
映画『いまを生きる(原題: Dead Poets Society)』でキーティングが言ったように、「医学、法律、ビジネス、工学、これらは高尚な追求であり、生命を維持するために必要なものです。しかし、詩、美、ロマンス、愛、これらのために我々は生きているのです。」