#7 工学院の授業 英語1
High School students complete ‘Utopia School Project’
In April, students in the international class began their studies for the Cambridge International AS-Level General Paper.
This high school course focuses on communication skills, using group work to engage students with reading, analysis, and the development of their own perspective on contemporary issues ranging from education to politics, science, history, literature and the arts.
For their first project, students read an article from Business Insider magazine describing the style of education at 14 of the world’s most innovative schools. They wrote mission statements, identifying each school’s unique aims and how these were reflected in the school design. Working in small groups, they considered the benefits and drawbacks of the different approaches. For example, how a radically free or student-led curriculum may stimulate students’ interest in learning while also generating the need to maintain focus.
Finally, the students were asked: What do you think a perfect education would look like? They created a concept and design for their own school, considering which features would best support their stated ideals. After brainstorming, writing, and organizing their information, they presented a pitch for their school to a panel of Kogakuin teachers, outlining their key features, describing the advantages and disadvantages of their design, and considering how someone with different ideals might respond.

高校インターナショナルクラスの生徒たちは、4月からケンブリッジインターナショナルAS-Levelの科目である「General Paper」に向けた勉強を始めました。