#15 卒業生に聞く会
Entering university is a daunting process for everyone. The first and second year international students of Kogakuin was able to get a head start by attending the seminar held by their seniors. Three of their seniors were able to give them advice on how to enter local and foreign Universities. The students listened closely as their seniors tell their challenges and how they were able to overcome those obstacles. The seminar was a good learning experience for everyone which is essential for future success. A small step forward into becoming a responsible member of society. (C)

The 1st & 2nd graders in international course enjoyed the meeting with 3 Sempai today. They graduated from Kogakuin High School in the same international course last March and went to universities in Japan and overseas. They shared their high school days, personal experiences of university entrance exam, and university life with their juniors. Some examples of the helpful experiences include "Round Square" and "Tankyu Ronbun." Also, they suggested students try to apply for the AO entrance exam because it could be a unique opportunity to recognize themselves by using their own communication and analytic skills. These skills are improved easily while they are in the international course. Some students asked questions to receive advice even after the meeting. (S)

(Student's comment)